Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Treatments of vitiligo and its side effects informations

Vitiligo is a skin disease caused by Depigmentation which is white patches on the skin. Vitiligo can be of two types, the segmental and non- segmental vitiligo. Excessive exposure to sunlight is one of the main reasons is caused vitiligo as yet no scientific evidence to support the hypothesis. The white spots of vitiligo formed as a result remain the same during the life of the individual. Some remedies can be used to reduce the visibility of spots, however, are not completely eliminated. It ' important that you should not consider these resources to completely eliminate the causes of vitiligo.

The most common methods to treat vitiligo include:

    Phototherapy (NB UVB and PUVA)

    Micro pigmentation

    Excimer laser


L ' article will focus on the side effects of each treatment method in detail.

    Phototherapy (NB UVB and PUVA)

Also known as photo chemotherapy, this method is ideal for those who have 20% of his body covered with white spots. Affected individuals are then called by the doctor for the sessions of exposure to light 30 minutes. This can be useful is a reduction in white spots, however, also has some side effects which include:

    Redness of the skin
    Premature aging

    Increased risk of skin cancer

    Dry skin

    Micro pigmentation

Micro -pigmentation and tattoos as commonly known is another way to reduce the white patch formed by vitiligo. Tattoo pigments plant with a surgical instrument. This method is only suitable for those with darker skin because sometimes the color of the tattoo can not match the color of the skin completely. The side effects of this method include:

    That causes food allergies

    The inflammation that leads to red spots
    Tattoos fade over time


    Excimer laser

If the white spots are just beginning to appear on the skin , this may be a good time to use the excimer laser for treatment. This treatment of vitaligo is good for the small number of patches, so it does not turn out to be very effective when spots become larger. According to this method, the UVB exposure is controlled patch. Some side effects of the Excimer laser are:



    Redness or erythema



If more than half of his body is covered with white spots and you are worried about how it looks, De - pigmentation is the best method of treatment for you. Instead of treating their white spots , this method deals with the affected area and helps match the areas that have lost color. Ointments are used for this purpose. Side effects associated with this method are:

    Severe itching

    Dry skin

    Sentivity increased skin to sunlight

    Inflammation and swelling

The doctors are constantly looking to find a better cure for people suffering from vitiligo white spots not only make you look bad, but also lower your self esteem. However, if you are not willing to submit to a resource of this type may have vitiligo vitamins like most of the people are taking too many antibiotics . This can help vitamin levels back up.

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